Hi Bruce, This is Victor Krayzman. I haven't seen you for ten years. Currently I am at NIST as a guest scientist. Besides other codes I work with Athena and Artemis and I have some troubles with Artemis. (It runs under Windows 2000) Last time I read a data file, made two FEFF calculations, read one more data file and made three FEFF calculations for it. Then I saved project, quit Artemis, open it again and tried to read the saved project. I found only data files and two FEFF calculations for the first data set. FEFF calculations for the second set disappeared. I met the same situation some time ago. To fix the problem I had to reinstall the Artemis. But now I have got the same thing. Could you help me? I attached the saved project and the message in a window. Thank you. Best regards to Ed. Sincerely. Victor