Dear Eva,
Attached an Athena file with our XAS data published in this paper :
There is some monometallic Pd NPs included in this file/study.
Best Regards,
Samy Ould-Chikh
KAUST Catalysis Center
Bldg.3,Level 4, #4231
4700 King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 12 8084486
-----Original Message-----
From: Ifeffit On Behalf Of Eva Bajnoczi
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 12:50 PM
Subject: [Ifeffit] Pd nanoparticle K-edge XANES
Dear Mailing List Readers,
I wonder if there is anyone who has and also would be willing to provide a K-edge XANES spectrum measured on Pd nanoparticles. Or to point me to a source where I can find one. Our particles most probably around 5nm, so this size-range would be ideal, but anything would be very much appreciated, as that would be a better reference than metallic Pd foil. We have got some interesting reviewer questions on a paper and to answer them a Pd nanoparticle XANES would be highly useful, but under the circumstances, it is not possible to measure it on our own in the forseeable future.
Thank you for any kind of help in advance!
Best regards,
Eva Bajnoczi
Bajnóczi Éva / Éva Bajnóczi
tudományos munkatárs / research fellow
Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont / Wigner Research Centre for Physics
1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Magyarország / Hungary
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