Hello, Thanks Bruce and Matt for the previous comments� I have the following questions and I would appreciate comments about them: My Questions are: 1- Can we consider sigma^2 of a single scattering path to be a measure of Debey Waller factor? 2- Is sigma^2 a measure of �or directly proportional to� strain in a bond? 3- When doing first shell fitting in Artemis, The actual bond length is: r_eff + dr +- delta �dr�� Are the error bars associated with dr values �delta�dr� of about 0�001 A� realistic? �i�e� 0�001 A is too small to detect by XAFS�� 4- What determines the real space resolution in XAFS measurements other than K_max? Thanks, Moneeb -- Moneeb T� Shatnawi Physics and Astronomy Department 4256 Biomed� Phys� Sciences Building Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 Tel: +1-517-355-9200 ext�2325 E-mail: mtshatnawi@pa�msu�edu