Hi Everyone, The Feff6l executable included with the Ifeffit 1.2.3 windows installer is broken. The source is OK (and I expect the version of feff6l in Carlo's new debian packages too), but it looks like an older, broken version of the binary got included with the 1.2.2 windows distribution in late August. Anyway, I have a fixed version of feff6l.exe that runs correctly. But since running feff on Windows has always been a pain -- requiring you to use the DOS command shell -- so I also added a program (runfeff6l.exe) that pops up a file browser pops up so that you can select a feff.inp file (doesn't need to be called feff.inp, either) and will run feff6l for you. This is not a complete Feff GUI, but it is easier to use than the older executable. The feff6l.bat file and the 'feff' shortcut now point to this program. Since there were questions about (and problems with) the automatic updater, I have not yet made this an 'update'. I'd like to hear some feedback (either here or by private email) on how to deal with such small changes. Forcing people to downlod an install another 28Mb setup.exe seems sort of silly. Some of the options I see are: 1. assume the updater is working for most people, and just make this an automatic update. 2. scrap the automatic updater altogether, and just make this a new Ifeffit version. 3. make a separate installer for Feff6L. Any other suggestions are welcome. If you have Ifeffit 1.2.3 installed and want to try the new Feff6l, follow these instructions: 1. download http://cars9.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/updates/ifup_002.zip 2. unzip this into your main Ifeffit directory (probably C:\Program Files\Ifeffit or C:\Ifeffit ) 3. IMPORTANT: after unzipping this file, double-click on make_bats.exe This will re-make the batch files and shortcuts that run the programs. 4. If you're interested, more details can be found in IFEFFIT_DIR\updates\readme_002.txt For now, I'll leave this version of Feff6 in this zip file, so that you can test it out if you want but aren't forced to do so. If the consensus is to make this a regular update, I can do that easily. If having feff6l is important to you, please let me know whether these binaries work for you. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, --Matt