Dear Mailing list, I have run into an issue with the peak fitting section included in Athena. If I include a peak that is a Pseudo-Voigt and then save the project file. Upon trying to reopen the same project file, Athena becomes non responsive with the error message "PV is not yet implemented". The log file for the crash is as follows: Started at 2019-05-01T17:37:06 Win7Enterprise (64-bit) Service Pack 1 Service Pack 16176012102561 PATH is: C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Users\lawley_c\AppData\Roaming\DemeterPerl\c\bin;C:\Users\lawley_c\AppData\Roaming\DemeterPerl\perl\site\bin;C:\Users\lawley_c\AppData\Roaming\DemeterPerl\perl\bin;C:\Users\lawley_c\AppData\Roaming\DemeterPerl\c\bin\gnuplot\bin DEMETER_BASE is: C:\Users\lawley_c\AppData\Roaming\DemeterPerl IFEFFIT_DIR is: C:\Users\lawley_c\AppData\Roaming\DemeterPerl\c\share\ifeffit\ perl version: v5.24.0 backend: ifeffit @INC: C:/Users/lawley_c/AppData/Roaming/DemeterPerl/perl/site/lib/MSWin32-x64-multi-thread C:/Users/lawley_c/AppData/Roaming/DemeterPerl/perl/site/lib C:/Users/lawley_c/AppData/Roaming/DemeterPerl/perl/vendor/lib C:/Users/lawley_c/AppData/Roaming/DemeterPerl/perl/lib . Demeter version 0.9.26 Can't call method "SetValue" on an undefined value at C:/Users/lawley_c/AppData/Roaming/DemeterPerl/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/Athena/PeakFit.pm line 916. -------- Where lines 910-920 in the PeakFit.pm file readout as: 910 if ($result == wxID_NO) { 911 $::app->{main}->status("Not deleting lineshape."); 912 return 0; 913 }; 914 ## demolish the LineShape object, if it exists 915 $this->{'lineshape'.$n}->DEMOLISH if exists $this->{'lineshape'.$n}; 916 ## dig through the hierarchy of the StaticBox and Remove/Destroy each element 917 foreach my $s ($this->{'func'.$n}->GetChildren) { 918 foreach my $w ($s->GetSizer->GetChildren) { 919 $w->GetWindow->Destroy if defined($w->GetWindow); I couldnt find any previous thread regarding this issue. If anyone knows a solution or could link me to a pre existing thread I would much appreciate it. Thanks in advance Craig _______ Paul Scherrer Institut Craig Lawley OFLB/U109 Forschungsstrasse 111 5232 Villigen PSI Schweiz Telefon: +41 56 310 5054 E-Mail: craig.lawley@psi.chmailto:craig.lawley@psi.ch www.psi.chhttp://www.psi.ch/