On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 3:00 AM, woschangqiang@126.com wrote: Hello, dear everyone.
I downloaded a XAFS data about mettalic Ru from the website of *ixs.iit.edu
http://ixs.iit.edu*. There are 4 groups of information in the data, and
each ranges between ~67800 with ~63000 in energy. So how to import the
data to Athena, and how this kind of data was produced? Does anyone come
across this situation? Thanks for your time and help in advance. This data file is a particularly nasty form of data from the Lytle
database. Each line of data contains consecutive pairs of AngleSteps Mu
To convert the angle steps to energy, you need to know how many steps there
are in a degree and the lattice constant of the mono crystal used. Neither
of these are in the file. I happen to have a good guess that these numbers
should be 8000 steps per degree, and 1.92017 Angstroms.
Still the data are a pain to deal with. They can be read with Ifeffit too,
but with Larch it goes like this:
ru = read_ascii('ru.001.txt')
# flatten array data to [step, mu, step, mu,...]
dat = ru.data.transpose().flatten()
# take every 2nd value as angle or xmu
asteps = dat[0::2]
xmu = dat[1::2]
step2rad = (pi/180)/ 8000 # radians per step
hc = 12398.417 # eV Ang
dspace = 1.92017 # Ang
energy = hc/(2*dspace)/sin(asteps * step2rad)
label = 'energy xmu angle_steps'
header = ['data converted from Lytle database file: %s' % ru.filename,
'using dspace=1.92017, steps-per-degree=8000']
write_ascii('ru.001.xmu', energy, xmu, asteps, header=header,
Resulting converted file attached.