Hello EXAFS experts, I started using Athena and Artemis two weeks ago by applying it to the EXAFS analysis of a moderately complicated molecule in solution. The final fit is very good (R=0.006) but the errors on the fitting parameters are very large and there are many high correlations between parameters that shouldn't be correlated (even though I do multiple k-weighted fitting). I think the problem is that there are at least 4 scattering pathways that overlap in the FT (spread in path lengths of +-0.4 Angstrom). In addition, these scattering paths involve different atoms and bonds, so that I have to define different delta_r and sigma_sq parameters for all of them. My question is now: how could I reduce the error bars of the fitting parameters that belong to these overlapping scattering paths? Or is it hopeless without further information of the system? Best regards, Renske Renske M. van der Veen PhD student Chergui Group EPFL Paul Scherrer Institut Swiss Light Source WSLA/210 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland Phone: +41 56 310 5362 Fax: +41 56 310 3171 E-mail: renske.vanderveen@psi.ch Web: http://lsu.epfl.ch http://femto.web.psi.ch