Hi Norbert, On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Norbert Weiher wrote:
Dear Friends,
I am still going with the chi^2-scan business and need a fast way to modulate white noise on a spectrum for some proof of principle. Has anyone a good idea how to do this (or would it be even possible in ifeffit)?
This is not currently available in ifeffit/feffit. It would be possible, even "not hard", and is probably worthwhile. I have some relatively old code (written with help from Boyan Boyanov) that I use to make fake noise. The fortran, with a linux-y Makefile is at http://cars9.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/contrib/Noise/noise_calc.tar.gz This program prompts for a 2-column ASCII file, asks how big sigma should be, and writes out a file with that amount of noise added to the spectra. That's about the extent of the documentation!!! Is this close to what you had in mind?? --Matt