Hello I have some problems with data file format as I try to import exafs files in Artemis or in Athena. I am working on a powerbook G4, with OSX 10.4.6. I installed the ifeffit package, including Athena and Artemis. Athena could open any XAS "raw" file from fluorescence or transmission measurements. However, if I perform any modifications on these raw files with exterior programs (Michalowicz programs, Kaleidagraph) and try to import the new files , saved as text files, Athena or Arthemis can not open them. I guess it may come from the encoding of the text file. Do you have any clue on this encoding issue? Do you know any program which would allow me to transform these text files in readable files for Artemis? Thank you for your answer sincerely Emmanuelle ********************************************* Emmanuelle Montargés-Pelletier CR CNRS LEM UMR7569 CNRS-INPL-ENSG 15 avenue du charmois BP40 54501 Vandoeuvre les Nancy cedex France Tel 33 (0)3 83 59 62 52 fax 33 (0)3 83 59 62 55 emmanuelle.montarges@ensg.inpl-nancy.fr http://www.ensg.inpl-nancy.fr/lem/ **************************************************