Hello everyone. I am a PhD student and I have encountered a problem with analysing the EXAFS of amorphous InP. For amorphous InP the first shell around an In atom is comprised of both P and In atoms. The In leads to a small peak in the R-spectrum that strongly overlaps with the bigger peak due to scattering from P. If I use two different Debye-Waller-factors, one for each scatterer, and let them both float during the fit I get weird values since the coordination numbers for both peaks have to be floated as well. Therefore, some restraint is needed for the DWF's. Is there any correlation between the two DWF's following from theory or experiment that I could use to restrain my fitting parameters ? Are there other possibilities to handle such a situation ? Many thanks in advance for your help, Claudia -- Claudia S. Schnohr Department of Electronic Materials Engineering Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering The Australian National University Canberra, ACT 0200 AUSTRALIA