Hi Ann, I think this should have been to the Ifeffit list: On Thu, 7 Oct 2004, Ann Liang wrote:
Hi Bruce or Matt,
I encountered some problems with athena when I recently switched my workstation from PC to Mac. The graphic window didn't show up at all which made it impossible to process any data. Could you please provide me some guidance on this issue?
I assume you installed the Mac installer (ifeffit-1.2.6_Mac10.3.dmg). I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'd recommend these steps: First, install Aquaterm from http://aquaterm.sourceforge.net/ . That might 'just fix' the problem. If it doesn't, edit the file /Applications/Ifeffit/bin/iff_init.sh to read (line 7) export PGPLOT_DEV=/XS instead of export PGPLOT_DEV=/AQT (Make sure to leave no extra space around the = sign). That will tell Ifeffit to use X-Window graphics instead of Aquaterm. The Aquaterm device is a little bit nicer, but the X-Windows one should definitely work. If you're running athena by clicking the icon, that should be enough. If you're running athena by typing 'athena' in a Terminal, _and_ you're using the tcsh shell, you should also edit /Applications/Ifeffit/bin/iff_init.csh to read setenv PGPLOT_DEV /XS (Here, the space is necessary and there is no = sign!! The syntax for these two shells is different, but the meaning is the same). Hope that's enough, and sorry for the pain. If not let me know, --Matt