Hi Bruce, I went through your (D)Artemis instruction videos and ran the latest Demetris 0.9.12 with 0.9.13 update side by side to reproduce the results. However, my running yields much poorer fitting results on Au foil EXAFS, even the first shell (video 03). Actually it happened using the older 0.9.11 too. I also went through your Lecture videos shot at Diamond and ran (D)Artemis but could reproduce your results closely. I have felt puzzled for quite a while why the simplest case Au foil does work well. Today I tried to run the same Au data and fitting by the old, last version of Artemis 0.8.014. I could produce very good fitting on the first shell with the R-factor very near that shown in the video. I made sure the math expressions for the fitting parameters amp, enot, delr and ss are set exactly the same, with fitting range exactly the same, in both programs. Their screen outputs file is attached. The saved respective project files are also attached. I copied the fit outputs into their journals. I would appreciate if you may review these results and help clear my puzzle. Best regards, Ku-Ding