Hello, This is my first time posting to the mailing list, so please forgive me if I did not do it correctly. I am currently working on EXAFS of tin(IV) oxide, and I have what appears to be high quality data out to 9 angstroms or so, but I am having some issues in fitting the data above 4 angstroms. I am attempting to verify a crystal structure with a= ~6 angstroms, and another structure with a=~9 angstroms. I know that there is some inhibiting physics at such long distances, such as inelastic scattering, and core-hole lifetime issues that can effect the data. My question for the group is, is there any methodical way to deal with these issues, other than incorporating Ei and the higher cumulants? Or is it even possible to get results from such large R? Thank you for your time. regards, Daniel Sneed