Dear all, I am learning Larch and read the manual of Larch online. In the "13.8.10. Example 3: Fit 3 datasets with 1 Path" of the webpage https://xraypy.github.io/xraylarch/xafs_feffit.html#example-3-fit-3-datasets..., it shows an example that fitting Cu at different temperatures. Einstein model was used to simulate the sigma2, as shown in the figure below. [image: image.png] However, in some papers (eg. Radiation Physicsand Chemistry137 (2017) 93–98) that model EXAFS at elevated temperatures, they separates the total sigma2 to static and thermo components (Sigma^2 = Sigma_static^2 + Sigma_thermo^2), which is different from the above Larch example. I am a little confused about the utilization of Einstein model. I wonder if the Sigma2 obtained by Einstein model can reflect the total sigma2 or can only reflect the thermo part. Many thanks for your help! Best regards, Harry