9 Mar
9 Mar
8:57 a.m.
I followed your instructions so far (admittedly with a little trepidation when installing dylib) and only had trouble with the final set of instructions in your summary, namely with python. Here's what happened: sudo python setup.py install Distutils works Testing for Tkinter and Pmw Tkinter is already installed. Good. Installing Pmw 0.8.5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 67, in ? pmw_dir = os.path.join(site, 'Pmw') NameError: name 'site' is not defined Where should this variable (?) site be set? Looking at the readme file in the wrappers/python directory, there seem to be some relevant instruction about copying some files associated with Ifeffit, but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions?