30 Sep
30 Sep
1:43 p.m.
Good afternoon:My name is Jhonny, I work at PUC-Rio in Brazil and I'm having hard difficult to fit the ZrO2 tetragonal. I create the INP file using the follow structural data Space group: p21/ca=5.1490b=5.2070c=5.3160alpha=90beta=99.2250gamma=90Zr (0.2750; 0.03900; 0.2090)O (0.0650; 0.3260; 0.3100)O (0.4610; 0.7570; 0.4790) Several paths were created, but when I start to fit each path a message of ABORT appear saying "you have 3 variables but only 2 independent measurements in 1 data set"One more thing, each path has 1 coordination number (deg)I don't know what to do, I need some help.Thank. Jhonny Huertas Flores Rio de Janeiro-Brasil