Dear Dr Ravel and Demeter users, I recollect that the Athena and Artemis user guides used to be available as PDF files (which I found useful). Am I correct that the latest guides are now only accessible as internet pages, as I can't seem to find a download link? Best regards, Leon ----- Dr Leon J. Clarke Lecturer in Environmental Analytical Chemistry Division of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences School of Science and the Environment Faculty of Science and Engineering Manchester Metropolitan University John Dalton East Oxford Road Manchester M1 5GD E-mail: l.clarke@mmu.ac.ukmailto:l.clarke@mmu.ac.uk WWW: http://www.sste.mmu.ac.uk/ Tel: +44 (0)161 247 1412 "Before acting on this email or opening any attachments you should read the Manchester Metropolitan University email disclaimer available on its website http://www.mmu.ac.uk/emaildisclaimer "