Hi Bruce, In response to some users, I was trying to update the ZnO tutorial so that it works with current versions of Artemis. Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug in the current version of Artemis. I'm posting it here on the mailing list because although there are very easy workarounds it's likely to give some newcomers trouble. I have Artemis 0.8.007 on Windows XP. To see the bug, make sure do_autoparams is on. Also make sure you're working with a new project. Now create and run a feff calculation in the usual way. When I do this, the guessed parameters created are: amp for S02 delr for delE0 dr for delr ss for sigma^2 The second of those is quite confusing, and the third doesn't work. Of course, the workarounds are simple (e.g. don't use autoparams or change the names to something that works). But, since Artemis defaults to autoparams on, it seems as if this could be off-putting to newcomers. --Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College