On Monday 15 March 2004 08:27 am, Schmithals wrote:
this seems to be the usual behaviour: on my Win2k-System the programs act the same.
BTW: Athena does not only hold access of the last opened project file but also of the last data file that has been read in.
Cheers, Gerrit
Dave Baker schrieb:
Bruce, I have recently updated my Ifeffit package to the current versions (Ifeffit 1.2.5 and Athena 0.8.026) under Win2k Pro, and I have noticed something that is a bit irritating. My situation is this: I have a project open in Athena, but decide to refresh or rename that project file to something different from within Windows explorer. I expected to only have to close the project file within Athena but keep Athena itself running. This is not the case, however, as Athena does not "let go" of the file until it is completely closed. After closing, I can rename the project file without difficulty, but then I must restart Athena from square one. Is this normal behavior? Does anyone else see this behavior? Thanks in advance for your help. -Dave Baker
I had no idea that happened on Windows. Completely news to me. I can imagine a situation where not having a lock on the file could lead to trouble. But once the data or project file is read into Athena, the lock is no longer necessary. I'll look into whether it is possible to force Athena to relinquish the lock. Fortunately, there is a simple work-around, isn't there? ;-) B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- ravel@phys.washington.edu Code 6134, Building 3, Room 222 Naval Research Laboratory phone: (1) 202 767 5947 Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 1697 NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC) Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 My homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/