Definitely XRD peaks are not EXAFS oscillations, thus you should exclude them from data analysis. The simplest way is to use deglitching tool from Athena. More complicated one is to subtract peaks (if you know very well their shapes). If you have still access to the experiment - tray to measure sample at different angle sample surface -detector, than you can shift the position of the diffraction peaks in energy scale. After merging of few of this scans you eliminate XRD peaks. Have you measured with one pixel fluorescence detector? For such experiments the use of multi-element detector can be also useful... regards kicaj p.s. I didnt check the attached file. Next time, please, give a link to a graph, not attach the file W dniu 12-12-11 08:08, Zhaomo Tian pisze:
Dear all,
I got XAFS data for Ag with CO adsorption( using Ag K edge), Ag is thin film~300nm deposited on Si/SiO2 substrate. But in the original μ(E) spectra, from 25894-26044eV, four obvious diffraction peaks appear( I attached the file), and I guess they will influence the quality of fitting. Is there anyone who knows how to deal with these diffraction peak? Will it be corrected by smoothing or changing some origin data points in the original file? I want the modification that will not destroy data analysis later.
Thanks for your help.
*Tian Zhaomo*
*M.S. candidate*
*Lab. For Photosynthesis Materials and Devices*
Department of Materials Science and Engineeing,POSTECH
san 31, Hyoja-Dong, Nam-Gu, Pohang, 790-784, Republic of Korea
office: +82-54-279-2827
mobile: +82-10-7747-3790
e-mail: zhaomo1989@postech.ac.kr mailto:zhaomo1989@postech.ac.kr
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