I loaded the new artemis code (0617) and am running it on os-x and have found a bug (I think). Upon loading the results of a feff calculation, if one attempts to plot a given path, the following error appears about an uninitialized data. Thanks for the hard work. [etld1220:exafs/Analyzed Data/ZnOSe] paulfons% Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /System/Library/Perl/File/Spec/Unix.pm line 57. Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /System/Library/Perl/File/Spec/Unix.pm line 57. Line 57 corresponds to a Perl/Tk package, specifically in the following code: =item catdir Concatenate two or more directory names to form a complete path ending with a directory. But remove the trailing slash from the resulting string, because it doesn't look good, isn't necessary and confuses OS2. Of course, if this is the root directory, don't cut off the trailing slash :-) =cut sub catdir { my $self = shift; my @args = @_; foreach (@args) { # append a slash to each argument unless it has one there $_ .= "/" if $_ eq '' || substr($_,-1) ne "/"; <- THIS LINE GENERATES THE RUNTIME ERROR Any ideas of what could be causing this -- is this a Perl/Tk bug?
Dr. Paul Fons Photonics Research Institute National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Ministry of Economics and Trade Umezono 1-1-1 Tsukuba, Japan 305-8568 tel. 81-298-61-5636 fax. 81-298-61-5615 paul-fons@aist.go.jp Lines below are in Japanese 独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所光技術部門 〒305-8568 茨城県つくば市梅園1-1-1 産総研つくば中央第2 E-mail: paul-fons@aist.go.jp, Tel. 0298-61-5636, Fax. 0298-61-5615