The problem I suspect stems from the internal script of iXAFS calling the package X11 instead of the new name XQuartz. The fix would be either to modify the source code to use either or you may be able to make an Mac OS X alias to the X11 application (either this or a Unix alias should work). I have yet to install mountain lion myself yet, so I cannot verify this. It would be arguably best to change the source code to use either X11 or XQuartz if present I think. Is this something you can do Matt? Cheers, Paul On Aug 13, 2012, at 5:18 AM, George Sterbinsky wrote:
Hi Kyler,
It may be possible to install ifeffit and Demeter from source code. Instructions of a sort can be found here
and here
I'm not sure how the installation from source code would be affected by the lack of X11, but perhaps someone else could chime in if they have more insight into that.
Best, George
On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Kyler Carroll
wrote: Hello, I havent seen a post yet pertaining to this issue so I thought I would share and perhaps see if there are solutions to my problem.
I have recently upgraded my mac to run the new OS X Mountain Lion and in the process noticed that apple no longer supports or includes X11. They instead have moved to XQuartz I downloaded the new XQuartz to my computer and obviously still cannot access iXAFS. I was wondering if someone could offer some advice for me so that I can still run iXAFS on my macbook (Macbook pro OS X version 10.8, 2.3 GHz intel core i5).
Thank you,
Kyler J. Carroll, Ph.D. Assistant Project Scientist Department of NanoEngineering University of California, San Diego
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