Hi Sola, This is the sort of question that should go to the Ifeffit mailing list, so I am taking the liberty of CCing my answer there.
I recently encountered a problem with a .prj file in ATHENA. The first issue was the notification that ATHENA may be out of memory and when I checked the memory usage under the help menu, I found out that I was not even using up to 1% of the memory. So, after closing the saved .prj files, one with some groups removed and another one without removing some groups, I tried to reopen the .prj but the graphics refused to display. I have since rebooted the system and updated IFEFFIT, but still no luck!
This is not really enough information for me to figure out the nature of the problem you are seeing and I have never seen the behavior you describe, but I can give you a few hints. 1. Athena's way of guessing memory usage is extremely unreliable. In general it is a poor idea to import more than about 60 scans into Athena (that is, 60 scans of the typical step-scan variety with 10 volts steps in pre-edge, 1/2 volt steps through the edge, and 0.05 A^-1 steps in the EXAFS) or fewer if you are importing MED files with lots of columns or quick scans with lots of data points. This is not a shortcoming of Athena, rather it is a result of Ifeffit being written in Fortran. If you are running into memory issues, you should group your data in smaller chunks for import into Athena. 2. Perhaps there is something abnormal about the prj file, but I cannot know unless you attach an example that produces the poblem reliably. 3. Are there any messages in the console window that starts when you start Athena? That's the window that stays on the task bar after Athena starts. The messages i that window may be gobbledigoop to you, but they may provide me with information about the nature o fthe problem. If Athena is exiting before you can look at the console, try opening up a command window, changing directory to C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\bin (or wherever Ifeffit is installed) and running athena from the command line. That way, any error messages will be preserved. B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at Brookhaven National Laboratory Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 My homepage: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/