Hello All, I just updated my little web page to share the protein data base file converter that I wrote. You can find the perl program and some instructions at: http://www.mesg.anl.gov/exafs.html If you use the program, let me know how it goes. Shelly
-----Original Message----- From: Kelly, Shelly D. Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:55 AM To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit Subject: RE: [Ifeffit] Atoms restraints
Hi Max,
Anyway, I had a look at many .inp the examples but I did not understand well how to give this command to the program. Can you write me an example? It would be much easier for me to start from that example and add many atom-atom distance restraints to keep a rigid structure.
I do not understand this question. What kind of .inp file are you looking at? Is this the input to feff? The feff.inp file needs to have a list of atoms with their corrdinates in x, y, and z. For a hystatine you will want to make a feff.inp file from the crystal structure. From this list feff makes a theory that has the contriution to the EXAFS data for each path of the photo-electron in a different feffxxxx.dat file. Then Ifeffit/Athena can be used to fit these paths to the data. During the fitting process you can change the distance between the atoms by a little bit (<0.5 Angstroms). To change the distance during the fitting process you need to define delr for each path included in the fit.
I am attaching a catalase protien feff.inp file that I made from a 7CAT.pdb file. Hum...I see that I wrote a perl program to help do this. I must appologize that I forgot that I had this program. Others have asked for it in the past.
The proceedure that I used to create this file goes like this. 1) Get your hands on a crystal structure with the same core hole atom. (i.e. Fe-oxide for my case) 2) Run atoms inside of Artemis to generate a feff.inp file. 2b) save the feff.inp file to disk. 2c) open feff.inp file in a text editor and remove the ipot and x,y,z coordinates. 3) Get the pdb file for the protein, or use mine for an example 7CAT.pdb. 4) Save the pdf2fi.pl file to disk and the 7CAT.pdb file to disk. 4b) make the pdf2fi.pl executable by typing "chmod 777 pdf2fi.pl" 4c) type "pdf2fi.pl 7CAT.pdb" This will generate a 7CAT.pdb-feff.inp file. This file has the ipot and the x,y,z coordinates for the atoms in the pdb file. 4d) To use the program on your own system, open pdf2fi.pl and edit a few of the lines at the top. Don't worry it is easy to do and you will not mess it up. You have to tell the program what atoms are in the pdb file and which one is the core. 5) paste the file from 4c into the feff.inp file from 2. 6) Save the feff.inp file to disk and open it in Artemis and run feff.
HTH Shelly