After reading these days' discussion in 'minor bugs report' thread, it reminds me of keeping a track of memory usage in my case. Here is a detailed list. Artemis starts: 56,100 K Loads project file: 59,180 K Save: 65,256 K After 1st fit: 88,252 K 2nd fit: 88,824 K 3rd fit: 89,320 K Save: 98,160 K 4th fit: 97,840 K Save: 98,164 K 5th fit: 298,152 K Crash I have also noticed the CPU usage is normally 25% during the fit process. But in the 5th fit, it went up to 25% for first several seconds, then drops to 0% suddenly. The memory usage jumps to 298,152K at the same time, and stayed for a few seconds before it finally crashed. Meanwhile, another process called 'dwwin.exe' with memory usage of 248,016K appeared. After the error message showed up, and closed all the Artemis windows, both of those big memory consuming processes disappeared. This practice is reproducible. I hope it helps a little bit. Best regards, Aria