It's a mineralogy database. I've found an error in it, so I know it's not
The URL for the search screen is
http://database.iem.ac.ru/mincryst/search.php? .
The ? is part of the URL, even though my mailer doesn't seem to think it
should be.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Ravel"
On Monday 08 May 2006 11:36, you wrote:
Mincryst has two crystal forms of As2O3. One of these is claudetite, for which they give the following data: 1, t-claudetite, form I, f-arsenolite
Oooh! That's cool. I had never seen that database before. I just made an Ifeffit FAQ entry for links to crystal structure databases. It's the second item at
If you know of any more good ones, feel free to add to the FAQ entry.
-- Bruce Ravel ---------------------------------------------- bravel@anl.gov
Molecular Environmental Science Group, Building 203, Room E-165 MRCAT, Sector 10, Advanced Photon Source, Building 433, Room B007
Argonne National Laboratory phone and voice mail: (1) 630 252 5033 Argonne IL 60439, USA fax: (1) 630 252 9793
My homepage: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/
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