Hi, I ran updater for Demeter 0.9.15. I was using Artemis to calculate paths for Bi L3 in Bi2Te3. I saw now the option of using both (FEFF 6 and FEFF 8 style) for atoms. Previously, I was using only available option of FEFF6 style. When I tried to run atoms selecting FEFF 8, it generated atoms files but when I tried to run FEFF calculations it produced following errors. Error#1 " Unknown keyword: "EDGE" at line: EDGE L3" Error#2 "Unknown keyword: "exchange" at line: exchange" I worked around first error by replacing "EDGE L3 S02 1.0 "- which was generated by atoms when FEFF8 style is selected. with "HOLE 4 1.0" and deleting Exchange keyword from feff file. After making these edits in feff files, I was able to run FEFF without showing any errors. I have attached all the files with appropriate name. -- Devender Graduate Student, Materials Science and Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY Website https://sites.google.com/site/devendermaun/