On Monday 14 March 2005 09:01, Raul Barrea wrote:
Hi Bruce, I found a difference in functionality in Athena when I tried to use "open file" or "open many files" in the main menu . When using the many files option I found this message:
When I opened the same file alone using the "open file" option , Athena says the file is not monotonically sorted and it cannot be opened. So, that's the problem with the file. Then, Athena offers to sort the data and continue loading the file. Why this message is not shown when I opened multiple files? I tried to open only one file (the one that is not monotonically sorted) using the "open many files" option and the message was the same as the "open file"option. When using the "many files" option with many files, Athena does not show that message window and stays partially inactive (menu options are active but plot options are not active). A few sample file are atached.
Thanks Raul, Very soon now I should have a chance to look into the various issues that have cropped up in the last couple months while I was gone. I'll certainly put this problem high on the list of things to do. B