Michel is right Bruce! We need a Ravelware reference to cite. That is a major bug! ------------------------------ Mark P. Jensen Chemistry Division Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439-4831 USA 630-252-3670 630-252-7501 FAX mjensen@anl.gov
-----Original Message----- From: SCHLEGEL Michel 177447 [mailto:schlegel@azurite.cea.fr] Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:48 AM To: 'XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit' Subject: RE: [Ifeffit] artemis development in the near future
* Windows users who would like to be involved with the development branch should consider installing ActiveState's perl distribution on their computers as that would allow you to test the source code as it becomes available. If anyone is interested in this, I can help get you started. But I would encourage only the enthusiastic to consider this. Most users will prefer to use the executables that I will build for the stable version.
Well, to paraphrase some recent declaration, sometimes you have Activestate, sometimes, you haven't, there's this little third category...
Yes, I have installed ActiveState a long time ago, but that was just to run some script, and it is unclear to me if you plan to run the development versions of Athena and Artemis as script, or if you will ask each and every Windows user to compile his/her own little executable. In the later case, You'll have to explain me.
Othervise, the new version runs fabulously great, apart from a minor point: I can't fit simultaneously several spectra (polarization data) in q-space. TApparently Artemis traps some kind of error message. but the software keeps on running.
Otherwise, there's a little practical point which bothers me: when it comes to publishingand citing, we know how to shower praise on Matt, but we are still yearning for some sound reference for the Ravelware. Is there any chance that this 'bug' will get fixed in the near future?
Best regards,
Michel Schlegel
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