Dear OS X Users, First let me thank Frank Schima for fixing the issues with Artemis and ATOMS with his new demeter-devel Macports download -- I (and all Mac users) greatly appreciate it! I thought I would bring two issues with Macports Athena to your attention... FYI, I am using Mac OS X Mavericks v. 10.9.4, with an Intel processor. I followed the directions found here today to delete the old version of demeter and download the new one: http://www.mail-archive.com/ifeffit%40millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/msg04404.htm... Issue 1. With the new demeter-devel Macports download, Athena freezes upon opening. Opening up Athena via Terminal brought up perl5.16 -- I could see the GUI, the Tip of the Day, and the Athena startup box, but the system just froze. I had to force quit every time, getting the following notice in my Terminal: 'Terminated: 15'. I had a feeling it was an issue with the Tip of the Day popping up, so I edited the Athena.pm file (in the UI folder), and edited line 197 from ‘$app->show_tip if Demeter->co->default('athena', 'tips');’ TO ‘$app->show_tip if Demeter->co->default('athena', 'tip');’ (honestly, I don't know enough about this code to be able to give it a real option that would turn off the Tip of the Day as the default, so I just hoped this would make the program give me general error in the GUI but that Athena could still load). Luckily, my not-fix fix worked. I get an error every time I open it, but after clicking 'OK', Athena behaves just like normal. I hope you can use this information to provide a real fix to the problem! Issue 2. I can only load data files into Athena if there are no headers of any sort -- commenting out each header line with a # or % does not work. When I try to load in a .dat file with a commented-out header, I get the following error message in Terminal: 'At line 436 of file iff_show.f Fortran runtime error: End of record' followed by Athena quitting itself. This is an issue with both the regular Macports demeter download and the demeter-devel download. These data files loaded in just fine to the old iXAFS version of Athena, and on a PC. Is there a plugin I should be using in the Demeter versions? If I delete the header, or load it in from a .prj file, everything works just fine. So it is not huge issue, as I do have a work around. Thank you, Frank, for the new version of Demeter, and thank you all for any thoughts you have on Issue 2. Best regards, Margaret Anne ------------------------------------ Margaret Anne G. Hinkle Ph.D. Candidate Earth and Planetary Sciences Washington University in St. Louis Rudolph Hall Campus Box 1169 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 email: mhinkle@eps.wustl.edu website: aqgeochem.wustl.edu