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Today's Topics:
1. Re: fitting (Iztok Ar?on) 2. Re: Differences between fluorescence and transmission of the same sample (Carlo Segre)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 08:59:20 +0200 From: Iztok Ar?on
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] fitting Message-ID: <4BECF4C8.2090302@ung.si> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"; Format="flowed" Dear Mohamed,
There is an example of CeO2 EXAFS analysis, taking into account background problems, in the following paper: *J. Pade?nik Gomil?ek, I. Kozjek-?kofic, N. Bukovec, A. Kodre */X-ray absorption study of CeO2 and Ce/V mixed oxide thin films obtained by sol-gel deposition. /* *Thin solid films, vol. 446, issue 1, (2004) 117-123. regards Iztok Arcon
mohamed sobhy wrote:
Dear all I am trying to use artemis to do fitting to CeO2. But really I cant get the right way to do that. During the fitting, I am using amp as set and change in N degeneracy of the path. attached is the best fit i got but it still not good and the chi-square is 41.109065479 so can you suggest me what to do
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-- Iztok Arcon University of Nova Gorica Vipavska 13, POB 301 5001 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
tel: +386 5 331 5227 fax: +386 5 331 5240 e-mail: iztok.arcon@ung.si http://www.ung.si/~arcon http://www.ung.si/%7Earcon http://www.ung.si/~arcon/xas http://www.ung.si/%7Earcon/xas