Dear Alain, Although someone may have a better solution, you can run FEFF7 independently of Artemis then import the calculation results using the theory menu. This is what I do when using FEFF7, and I have never had a problem. Sincerely, Wayne Lukens Alain Manceau wrote:
Thank you for the clarification. I progressed, but still encounter a problem running FEFF7. The error message and the input parameters and configuration are shown in the ppt in attachment.
At 14:58 07/01/2008, you wrote:
Is there a way to calculate or read feff7 or FEFF8 paths with the last version of Artemis? I could not find this information on this
On Sunday 06 January 2008 11:26:53 you wrote: page:
and this option is not listed in your to-do list. I suppose that there is a good reason for it!
Implementing the possibility to read at once several FEFF paths (for example from the list.dat file) could be useful, I think.
I am CCing this general interest question to the mailing list.
Artemis does not actually have a preference for the version of feff that you use. Since Feff is run as an external process, all you need to do is configure Artemis to use your prefered version.
* In the Edit menu, select "Edit preferences".
* In the Atoms groups, change `template' to "feff7" or "feff8", as you wish. That will have the effect of changing what kind of feff.inp file atoms makes.
* In the Feff group, change `feff_executable' to the version of feff you are using. If the executable is not in the execution path, you will need to enter the fully resolved path as the value for that configuration parameter.
If you have run feff independently of Artemis and simply wish to import the feffNNNN.dat files, that should work with no regard to the version of Feff that you used. The format of the feffNNNN.dat file did not change between feff6 and feff8.
If you are seeing some particular failure of Artemis, then you will need to show me what happens. Without providing enough information for me to reproduce the problem on my own computer, it is not reasonable to expect that I can solve a problem.
-- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------
National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973
My homepage: EXAFS software:
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