Dear all I have just installed Demeter-devel on a computer Mac OS X 10.9.4, following the suggestions of Frank Schima and the different steps for installing xcode and command tools, macports, Xquartz. The mailing list was really helpful, thanks! After having written Athena on a terminal window I have apparently the same "freezing" phenomena reported earlier by Margaret Hinkle, July 4th 2014 " With the new demeter-devel Macports download, Athena freezes upon opening. Opening up Athena via Terminal brought up perl5.16 -- I could see the GUI, the Tip of the Day, and the Athena startup box, but the system just froze. I had to force quit every time, getting the following notice in my Terminal: 'Terminated: 15'.". I don't know how to solve this Athena blocking and completely lost when I read the solution provided by Bruce " Look for the '[athena]' section of demeter.ini, which should be in '$HOME/.horae'. Set the "tips" parameter to "false". That will suppress the tips dialog." I really tried to do on my own,...but I have to be honest, I don't know how to change the tips parameter. I would need a specific lesson, something entitled "demeter for dummies". So, could someone help me? Thanks for your answer Best Regards Emmanuelle -- ................................................. Emmanuelle Montarges-pelletier CR CNRS LIEC UMR 7360 CNRS-Université Lorraine 15 avenue du Charmois BP40 54500 Vandoeuvre les Nancy France tel 33 (0)3 83 59 62 52 fax 33 (0)3 83 59 62 55 mob 33 (0)6 31 33 10 30 emmanuelle.montarges@univ-lorraine.fr Zone Atelier Moselle http://www.ensic.inpl-nancy.fr/Zam/