Hi Carlo, Thanks for taking up this cause! I definitely think the topic is appropriate with this discussion list. I also think the idea of having more XAFS workshops and conferences is a great idea in general. Since I'm supposed to be representing "North America" for the International X-ray Absorption Society (IXAS), I'm particularly happy to have them here -- I also think that improving the knowledge about XAFS among scientists at all levels is needed here. The Denver X-ray Conference is a good match -- the only other options I can think of are Users Meetings at synchrotrons or the American Crystallographic Association meeting. Synchrotron User Meetings are a good match for workshops, but probably not appropriate for an established topical meeting. The ACA meetings seem to have a small overlap with XAFS, which is unfortunate. The IUCr actually does have a Commission on XAFS: it was dormant for many years, but is being revitalized, and the IUCr meeting in Osaka will have an XAFS session and a companion tutorial workshop. But the IUCr really is a union of national crystallographic associations -- for North America that's the ACA. So to *really* be part of the IUCr (which could have tangible benefits), it would be nice to have an active XAFS scientific interest group within the ACA. That's all to say that the ACA meetings shouldn't be dismissed immediately, but if the DXC folks are willing to put up XAFS infecting their meeting, that sounds good. Personally, I've been to one DXC and one ACA meeting, and I agree with your pick. Thanks again for working on this! --Matt