Matteo, A fully correct solution to this will have to wait until the next release, but I can offer a partial solution which you can implement immediately. Locate the file "perl\site\lib\Demeter\templates\process\ifeffit\save_xmu.tmpl" in whatever location Demeter was installed on your computer. Grab this: and replace the previous "save_xmu.tmpl". When you download the replacement, be sure that its filename is "save_xmu.tmpl" and that your browser does not "helpfully" add a .txt extension. When you next save current group as mu(E), there will be an additional column which contains the chi(E) on the grid of the original data. That column will be 0 below the lower bound of the spline range and above the upper bound of the spline range (i.e. in the energy range over which chi is not defined). It is un-k-weighted. If you want to look at k-weighted chi(E), /you/ will have to apply the k-weighting /yourself/. I think that addresses your request. Let me know what you think. B On 03/11/2016 06:52 AM, Matteo Busi wrote:
Hi Bruce I'm sending this again, probably the latest message was lost in the confusion.
I would like to have an output file containing chi(E) and mu(E) using the same energy (E) grid. If I export them separately ( the only available way I think right now) they have different energy grid.
The previous messaging was:
Hi Mateo,
I'm not quite clear on what you are asking for. Do you want an ascii output file that has a column containing chi(E) using the energy grid of the original data?
If so, would it suffice to add a column to the mu(E) ascii output file? That seems to me like a natural solution.
Cheers, B
Thanks and Regards Matteo, UiS
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-- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: Software: Demeter: