Hi! I recently had to install ifeffit software package on our network computer. The first time I ran Artemis I was asked to update which I did. However, Artemis did not start after that. The error message that I got is shown in the attached figures artemis-error1a and 1b. Please note that only Artemis doesn't work, all the other softwares (Athena, Hephaestus, TKAtoms etc.) work fine. I tried running the .bat file from the Ifeffit folder but that didn't work either. I also tried to run the artemis.exe file and received the error shown in figure "artemis-error2". Later I unisntalled and re-installed Ifeffit and chose not to do the updates and Artemis is now running fine. I was wondering if anyone has any idea why this is so or if there is a way around installing the updates and still being able to use Artemis??? Thanks, Zohair