On 05/01/2019 10:57 PM, Matt Newville wrote:
Larch (and the lmfit library it uses) and the XAS Viewer GUI are all supported. Peak-fitting of XANES is one feature which I am confident to say is definitely better than Athena. I'm willing to take 100% of the blame for this, but peak-fitting does not work well in Athena.
That's not necessary, Matt. I have said before on this mailing list and elsewhere that peak fitting is a very weak part of Athena. While it is true that Ifeffit's capabilities in this area were limited, Athena's implementation was poor. I completely agree that XAS Viewer would be a better choice for this task. B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II Lead Beamline Scientist, 6BM (BMM) Building 743, Room 114 Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://bruceravel.github.io/home/ Beamline: https://www.bnl.gov/ps/beamlines/beamline.php?r=6-BM Software: https://github.com/bruceravel Demeter: http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/