Hi Eckhard, I Googled one of the phrases, and found this as a source: alpha.science.unitn.it/~fisica1/ raggi_x/pdf_ppt/ lezione_assorbimento.ppt Perhaps you can check on that site to find out more. Bruce--I'm not following your critique of the third panel. Where's the confusion? I see the disorder term, and I see the mean-free path term, but I don't see them inappropriately labeled or confused with each other (aside from the common use of "Debye-Waller factor"). Unless perhaps it's just that the spacing and arrows in the label "From ab- initio calculations or from reference compounds" is confusing? (i.e. it kind of looks at first like the slide claims that the mean-free path comes from a reference compound) --Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College On Jul 16, 2008, at 12:04 PM, s440697@stud.uni-goettingen.de wrote:
Hi, i have a print out of a talk (about XANES, XAFS and multiple scattering...) and i want to cite some figures (attached). Can anybody tell me the author etc...? I searched everywhere on the web (on several sites of XAFS-Summer Schools...). Unfortunately i do not have the talk as pdf-file only the print out. Maybe the talk is from Matt Newville? Maybe anybody recalls on this talk/slides or recognizes them?
Thanks for your help.
Have a nice day, Eckhard
--------------------------------- Eckhard Bosman e.bosman@stud.uni-goettingen.de +49 (0)551-39-14441 Raum: E0.104 Institut für Röntgenphysik Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Göttingen Germany<123scattering.jpg><evaluation-abscoefficient Kopie.jpg><exafs-formula Kopie.jpg>_______________________________________________ Ifeffit mailing list Ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/mailman/listinfo/ifeffit