13 Mar
13 Mar
8:51 p.m.
On Friday 13 March 2009 03:23:57 pm bill.schwartz@yale.edu wrote:
I'd like to get an atoms input file for PdO. Can someone point me in the right direction for either obtaining or creating one?
Acta Cryst. (1953). 6, 661-663 That was not hard to find with google and access to a library. B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 My homepage: http://xafs.org/BruceRavel EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/