Dear Bruce After upgrading from Demeter 0.9.22 to Demeter 0.9.24 (64-bit) on two PCs with Windows 7 Enterprise, I now encounter two problems that I did not observe before: 1) In Athena, auto-align does not seem to work properly: In the attached project file, the first spectrum is a reference Fe foil spectrum. Trying to align the reference spectra linked with the sample spectra to this reference foil, the "auto-align" function results in an obviously wrong alignment (see jpg file). Even if I first manually correctly align the reference spectra, "auto align" again shifts the spectrum to a wrong place. 2) Plotting window is always set to small size when plotting a graph and zooming does not work: Working with Athena, I normally used the left half of the screen to display the GUI and the right half to display the plotting window. After I installed Demeter 0.9.24, the plotting window is always reduced in size and moved to the left part of the screen when I try to plot a graph from Athena. Furthermore, within the plotting window, the zoom function does not seem to work anymore. Best regards, Andreas °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° Andreas Voegelin, PhD Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Ueberlandstrasse 133, CH-8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland Tel: +41 58 765 54 70