Support for the software is done via the Ifeffit Mailing List. This
and all other questions should be asked in that forum.
please note that I am CCing my answer to the mailing list. All
follow-up discussion should be on the mailing list rather than by
responding to me directly.
Regarding the problem with png files and PGPLOT, the solution of
installing libpng12-devel is the much better solution.
Regarding the problem compiling the file decod.f, I am going to blame
Matt for that one. It seems he made a change to that file in August
of 2012 (which is more recently than the last time I did a "git
pull" on ifeffit!)
Pulling and attempting to rebuild, I get the same result. Fixing the
problem required editing the file encod.h to define the missing symbol
"jtait". I just forked ifeffit, fixed the problem, and sent Matt a
pull request. Here it is:
If you follow the little link that says "97f6458", you'll see the
diff. If you make the edit yourself, you should be able to finish
compilation. Or wait for Matt to merge the pull request, do a git
pull, then finish building.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: problem compiling ifeffit
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:36:24 +0100
From: René Genz
Dear Mr. Ravel,
today I tried to install the latest version of Demeter on Fedora 18
x86_64 following the instructions:
In the past I could install ifeffit on Fedora 16 x86_64.
But now I need your help.
I encountered a problem in compiling ifeffit. This problem is
reproducible on Ubuntu 12.04 i686.
Furthermore, there are two minor things that I would like to mention as
- PGPLOT_install does not set return code, if PGPLOT was not properly
- ./configure of ifeffit echos the following line and continues without
a problem
"./configure: line 3355: #include: command not found"
Details about the problem follow:
I used the default installation selection for Fedora (Gnome Desktop).
After installation I executed the following commands
$ sudo yum install -y perl gnuplot gcc gcc-gfortran libX11-devel ncurses
ncurses-devel libpng libpng-devel giflib wxGTK-devel git
$ cd
$ git clone
$ cd ifeffit
$ sudo ./PGPLOT_install
The compilation started by the script fails.
The attached file
shows the last part of the output.
I could work around this problem in two ways. Either
a) sudo ./PGPLOT_install --no-png
b) sudo yum install libpng12-devel ; sudo ./PGPLOT_install
I used 'a)' and PGPLOT could be installed by the script.
So I continued with the compilation of ifeffit.
This is where I encountered a problem that I could not solve.
$ ./configure
was OK, just one line catched my attention
"./configure: line 3355: #include: command not found"
$ make
The full output is in
Here is the last part of the output:
gfortran -g -O2 -fPIC -c iff_sync.f
gfortran -g -O2 -fPIC -c decod.f
elseif (ic.eq.jtait) then
Error: Symbol 'jtait' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
make[3]: *** [decod.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/user/ifeffit/src/lib'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/user/ifeffit/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/ifeffit'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
The error message refers to
I do not know how to solve this problem.
Do you have a suggestions how to solve this?
Kind regards,