23 Oct
23 Oct
9:18 a.m.
Dear Matt, I'm wondering if the demo data for the Larch tutorials is still available. https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://youtu.be/5mYRqpAWK-o?si=MS7_aqBiYF_cQTtf_... My colleague wants to learn how to use Larch from the tutorial, but the link to the demo data is expired. Best regards, Yohei -- ================================================ Yohei Uemura (Ph.D) Instrument scientist FXE beamline, European XFEL GmbH Address : Holzkoppel 4, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany Phone: +49-40-8998-6006 上村洋平 所属 : FXE beamline, European XFEL GmbH, 住所 : Holzkoppel 4, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany 電話 : +49-40-8998-6006 ================================================