Bruce: I have just run up against an odd error in atoms. I am not sure why it happens but it is consistent among all my computers. I start tkatoms and set up a structural model fo rthe wurtzite structure as follows: ----------------- atoms.inp ---------------- ! This atoms input file was generated by TkAtoms 3.0beta8 ! Atoms written by and copyright (c) Bruce Ravel, 1998-2001 title = ZnS Wurtzite structure space = p 63 m c a = 3.820 b = 3.820 c = 6.260 alpha = 90.0 beta = 90.0 gamma = 120.0 core = Zn edge = K rmax = 7.0 shift 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 atoms ! elem x y z tag occ. Zn 0.3333 0.6667 0.0000 1.0000 S 0.3333 0.6667 0.3748 1.0000 ----------------- Then I run atoms from within tkatoms and get a feff.inp file: ----------------- first feff.inp (top lines only)---------------- * This feff input file was generated by TkAtoms 3.0beta8 * Atoms written by and copyright (c) Bruce Ravel, 1998-2001 * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * * total mu = 761.06 cm^-1, delta_mu = 589.98 cm^-1 * specific gravity = 4.091 * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * * Normalization correction: 0.00045 ang^2 * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * TITLE ZnS Wurtzite structure HOLE 1 1.0 * Zn K edge (9659.0 eV), second number is S0^2 * mphase,mpath,mfeff,mchi CONTROL 1 1 1 1 PRINT 1 0 0 0 RMAX 7.0 *CRITERIA curved plane *DEBYE temp debye-temp *NLEG 8 POTENTIALS * ipot Z element 0 30 Zn 1 30 Zn 2 16 S ATOMS * this list contains 68 atoms * x y z ipot tag distance 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0 Zn 0.00000 2.20546 0.00004 -0.78375 2 S_1 2.34058 -1.10276 -1.90996 -0.78375 2 S_1 2.34058 -1.10276 1.91004 -0.78375 2 S_2 2.34064 0.00000 0.00000 2.34625 2 S_3 2.34625 3.30822 1.91000 0.00000 1 Zn_1 3.82000 -3.30822 1.91000 0.00000 1 Zn_1 3.82000 0.00000 3.82000 0.00000 1 Zn_1 3.82000 3.30822 -1.91000 0.00000 1 Zn_1 3.82000 -3.30822 -1.91000 0.00000 1 Zn_1 3.82000 0.00000 -3.82000 0.00000 1 Zn_1 3.82000 ----------------------------- Then I save the atoms.inp file and when I read it in again and run atoms, I get a completely different result: ------------------- second feff.inp (top lines only) -------------- * This feff input file was generated by Atoms 3.0beta8 * Atoms written by and copyright (c) Bruce Ravel, 1998-2001 * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * * total mu = 1522.11 cm^-1, delta_mu = 1179.96 cm^-1 * specific gravity = 8.182 * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * * Normalization correction: 0.00045 ang^2 * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * TITLE ZnS Wurtzite structure HOLE 1 1.0 * Zn K edge (9659.0 eV), second number is S0^2 * mphase,mpath,mfeff,mchi CONTROL 1 1 1 1 PRINT 1 0 0 0 RMAX 7.0 *CRITERIA curved plane *DEBYE temp debye-temp *NLEG 8 POTENTIALS * ipot Z element 0 30 Zn 1 30 Zn 2 16 S ATOMS * this list contains 136 atoms * x y z ipot tag distance 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0 Zn 0.00000 0.00011 0.00006 0.00000 1 Zn_1 0.00013 -1.10274 1.90987 -0.78375 2 S_1 2.34049 -1.10274 -1.90987 -0.78375 2 S_1 2.34049 2.20548 0.00013 -0.78375 2 S_2 2.34060 2.20548 -0.00013 -0.78375 2 S_2 2.34060 -1.10274 1.91013 -0.78375 2 S_3 2.34070 -1.10274 -1.91013 -0.78375 2 S_3 2.34070 0.00000 0.00000 2.34625 2 S_4 2.34625 0.00011 0.00006 2.34625 2 S_4 2.34625 -3.30811 -1.90994 0.00000 1 Zn_2 3.81987 -3.30811 1.91006 0.00000 1 Zn_3 3.81994 0.00011 -3.81994 0.00000 1 Zn_3 3.81994 3.30822 1.91000 0.00000 1 Zn_4 3.82000 ----------------------------------------------- You can see that the total mu, specific gravity and delta mu are different! I can run atoms from teh command line as well and I get the same incorrect result. I am running atoms-3.0beta8 but I tested beta9 and got the same result. I don't have this problem with the zincblende structure which is cubic so there must be a problem with the hexagonal lattice. Carlo -- Carlo U. Segre -- Professor of Physics Associate Dean for Special Projects, Graduate College Illinois Institute of Technology Voice: 312.567.3498 Fax: 312.567.3494 segre@agni.phys.iit.edu http://www.iit.edu/~segre