Hi Bruce, Thanks for the help I attach two text files of what I got back from perl –V for a user and for myself. they to my eye are identical I can change the default pdf viewer on the system if I want , not sure if a user could. In terms of logs the user never gets that far. i.e. no %appdata%\demeter directory is created or log file residing there started. This does get written for me. I tried turning echo on to see if I’d see anything but the command window doesn’t stay open for long enough. I assume thus the log file is failing to be written causing the program not to run. the path on the user account looks ok i think PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\NuGraf;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\strawberry\perl\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\strawberry\c\bin; Thanks Fred -- This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom