On Wednesday 28 July 2004 12:47 pm, SCHLEGEL Michel 177447 wrote:
versions of Athena and Artemis as script, or if you will ask each and every Windows user to compile his/her own little executable. In the later case, You'll have to explain me.
Well, the point I was trying to make was that building and testing windows executables adds considerably to my work. I would like to be able to release the development version frequently -- the early-and-often approach to software development. If I have to build windows exes everytime, that will slow me down, wear me out, and make it not worth my time to bother with the whole idea of a fork.
Othervise, the new version runs fabulously great, apart from a minor
Yes, I now, we Windows user recriminate a lot, demand even more, and offer little in return.. ;-) point:
I can't fit simultaneously several spectra (polarization data) in q-space. TApparently Artemis traps some kind of error message. but the software keeps on running.
OK, thanks for the report. I'll look into it. q-space fitting is not one of the well-tested corners of the code since I never do that myself.
I am aware of Matt's recommandation - that fitting in R-space should be preferred. However, there are sometimes informations in the q-space on the nature of backscatterers from, e.g., the shape of the amplitude enveloppe of the Fourier-filtered contribution. Plus, it is always interesting to compare fitting results in both spaces. I ran a test fit in q-space with four spectra and Artemis 0.7.008. It seems that the fitting stage is performed well, and the fitting results in the q-space are even displayed in the Graphics windows. Trouble seems to arise when Artemis tries to write the log file. The 'Artemis palettes' windows doesn't appear on the screen. I then tried to fit into R-space (worked well), and again into q-space: the same error message appeared. I copied the message displayed on the console into the attached file. Best regards, Michel Schlegel