On 11/03/2014 01:51 PM, Bruce Ravel wrote:
Simply shortening the distance, even by 1% via "RMULTIPLIER 0.99" allows Feff to run to completion.
Except that Artemis does not seem to process the RMULTIPLIER parameter correctly. Drat! Using the RMULTIPLIER works when running Feff6L from the command line, but not when running it from within Artemis. Another thing for the to do list! In any case, my comment remains the same -- your distances appear to be unphysically large. B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://bruceravel.github.io/home/ Software: https://github.com/bruceravel Demeter: http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/