Hi Kristine,
Just a quick Artemis question... I've been pulling in my FEFF8 paths by selecting the feff.inp in the appropriate folder with all the paths....
I've noticed that when I load in my path files this way that all of them are automatically selected to "Include feffNNN.dat in the fit". Is there a way I can get these all turned off at the same time (other than manually to each path)? So that I can add the paths one by one to the fit while they are all listed in Artemis?
in the "Paths" Menu you'll find a submenu "Include paths for fitting". There you have an option to "exclude all paths" at a time. Best, Peter -- -------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Pfalzer Universitaet Augsburg Tel: +49-821-598-3215 Lehrstuhl fuer Experimentalphysik II Fax: +49-821-598-3411 Universitaetsstr. 1 D-86135 Augsburg Germany Peter.Pfalzer@physik.uni-augsburg.de --------------------------------------------------------------