Maura H. Jordao wrote:
Dear all,
I’m having some problems to run Athena (Ifeffit 1.2.9) in my Windows XP (Home Edition, Version 2002), and I’m writing to this list to get a help. One of them is if I plot a graph using different options (E or k for example) for many times, the graphics window freeze and I need obligatory to close the program. The other is the Pre and Post-edge lines do not appear when I marked them to plot.
Under Windows I've observed that Athena tend to "freeze" on a selected
group and clicking on other groups doesn't select them... well, the
solution is simply to click with the "right mouse button" to select
another group to work on. Maybe this hint is too much empirical, but
works very well for me when I have the misadventure to work on Windows
Mauro Rovezzi