Hello Bruce, thanks for your fast answer. Excuse me, for the stupid question. But i can't find the packed (linux)source-code for feff with slew of directories. I only found one single file, the feff84.f or the feff84.tar.gz or the feff84.zip (which contains only the feff84.f file) on the feff-distribution webpage. (http://leonardo.phys.washington.edu/feff/Secure-area/Bin-Source-feff8/Source...) Thanks for your help. Eckhard
This is not a version problem, per se. The issue is how the various constants are set when Feff is compiled. When you unpack the source code for feff, you will see a whole slew of directories. One of them is called "HEADERS/". In that directory is a file called "dim.h". Near the top of that file, you will find a constant called "nclusx". In the source tarball, this parameter is set to 175, but you can change it and recompile.
Once you change that value to 300 (or whatever) and recompile Feff, you should be able to run your problem on your linux machine. I suspect (but do not know for sure) that the only difference between the windows feff84_300.exe and the normal feff84.exe is the size of the nclusx parameter.
--------------------------------- Eckhard Bosman e.bosman@stud.uni-goettingen.de +49 (0)551-39-14441 Raum: E0.104 Institut für Röntgenphysik Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Göttingen Germany