Thanks Bruce. Here you go: Demeter 0.9.20 with perl 5.014002 on linux using Ifeffit 1.2.11d Major modules version ================================================== Ifeffit ....................... 3.0.1 Moose ......................... 2.1204 MooseX::Aliases ............... 0.11 MooseX::Types ................. 0.44 Archive::Zip .................. 1.37 Capture::Tiny ................. 0.24 Chemistry::Elements ........... 1.07 Config::INI ................... 0.023 Const::Fast ................... 0.014 DateTime ...................... 1.08 Graph ......................... 0.96 Graphics::GnuplotIF ........... 1.7 Math::Round ................... 0.06 Pod::POM ...................... 0.29 PDL ........................... 2.007 PDL::Stats .................... 0.6.5 Regexp::Assemble .............. 0.35 Regexp::Common ................ 2011121001 Heap::Fibonacci ............... 0.80 Math::Random .................. 0.71 Text::Template ................ 1.45 Tree::Simple .................. 1.23 YAML::Tiny .................... 1.50 On 10/04/14 12:23, Bruce Ravel wrote:
One of the small programs installed with demeter is called "denv". Could you run that and cut-n-paste the output?
On 04/10/2014 06:27 AM, David Pickup wrote:
I'm running Athena (Demeter 0.9.20) with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Every time I go to the 'align data' window (with data open), Athena closes and the following message appears in the terminal:
Usage: Wx::ComboBox::GetClientData(THIS, n) at /home/dave/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Demeter/UI/Athena/
line 161, <F> line 1.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem.
Thanks, Dave
-- ----------------------------------------------------- Dr Dave Pickup School of Physical Sciences Ingram Building University of Kent Canterbury CT2 7NH Tel. 01227 823276 Fax. 01227 827558